Diversification You Control – Self-directed IRAs!

Self-directed IRAs
Investing for retirement can be a tricky thing. There isn’t a magic formula to guarantee automatic wealth. On the other hand, there isn’t any way to completely protect your assets from market downturns.
Everyone wants the safety and security of knowing their retirement nest egg is “crash proof.”The good news is, there are steps you can take to insulate your investments.
One such step is asset allocation. That’s just the official term for “not putting all of your eggs into one basket.” Makes sense, right? When you spread your retirement dollars across various asset classes, you reduce your risk.
One very effective diversification tool is the self-directed IRA. You’ve heard me talk about this before, but that’s only because I believe in its effectiveness. It allows you greater freedom, flexibility, and control over your own future by allowing you to invest in alternative assets that aren’t otherwise allowed with a traditional IRA.
However, “self-directed” doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want. There are still rules to follow, and pretty strict ones, at that. As with any investment, there are also risks involved.
The best way to see if a self-directed IRA is for you is to talk to someone who understands the ins and outs of this type of investment tool. That’s where I come in. Give our office a call today and let us help you make the most of crash-proofing your nest egg!
A record $7.5 trillion is sitting in individual retirement accounts, the bull market is looking tired, and the Internal Revenue Service’s army of auditors has been shrinking. So the temptation to get creative with IRA money has never been greater and the marketing pitches never more pervasive. You can put real estate, private equity, private loans and even gold coins and bullion (but not collectibles or insurance) in a tax-deferred IRA or a Roth IRA, where all growth is tax-free. You do this through a “self-directed” IRA–which is simply one parked at a custodian that allows you to invest in alternative assets. – This post inspired by Forbes.com: READ ARTICLE HERE
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